Hair Removal

Laser for hair removal
The Diode Laser Fuerte for hair removal is a new generation, triple wavelength (3d) laser, which uses the SHR method, an evolution in the method of eliminating hair growth. The Laser Fuerte also known as SmartCube, produced in Spain by Sipania Technologies, achieves maximum effectiveness with zero pain and quick application.
Depending on the type of skin and the development of hair growth, we establish the necessary parameters for the total elimination of hair. It is truly painless and an ideal advantage for those who fear they might feel pain or don’t want to feel pain! This is because of the cooling system the laser head has and it causes no feeling of pain.
The results of laser hair removal are visible from the first session, which depend on the skin phototype, the quality and melanin of the hair, as well as the presence or not of hormonal factors. The desired result is achieved quicker by women than by men, because the levels of androgens in their blood are definitely lower.
The SHR system allows the application of treatments 12 months per year, even on dark skin. Besides the cosmetic aspect, laser hair removal is applied to cases of bursitis and to a relapse of coccygeal cyst.
Millions of customers worldwide are quite satisfied with this particular method with guaranteed results!
Each hair growth is unique, for this reason a cycle of sessions depends on the physiology of the hair. An average is 8 sessions, 4 to 5 weeks apart from each other. It is recommended to maintain the result at least twice a year depending on the case.

With wax
Using wax is an easy and temporary solution for hair removal and is performed on areas of the body such as calves, thighs, bikini, armpits, upper lip, etc.
Irritation is minimal and the effect is very smooth. The quality of the wax is very important for the result and the irritation, which is why in our space we have only high quality products. It is recommended to repeat every 20 to 30 days, which eventually will lead to a reduction in hair growth.

Radical Electrolysis
Radical hair removal or electric hair removal is achieved through thermolysis. With this method we pass a high frequency electric current to the root of the hair through a very small needle. A number of repetitions are required for permanent results, every 20 days is recommended.
It’s applied to small areas or scattered hair. It’s an ideal solution for white and blonde hair.